Tai Chi

Our classes provide an opportunity to learn about this ancient Chinese cultural art, whilst also practicing a wide range of movements and sequences. Tai Chi is based upon a series of slow and flowing movements that use the whole body combined with deep breathing. Students are encouraged to work at a level of intensity that is appropriate to them, and therefore classes are suitable for adults of all ages and levels of fitness. Tai Chi helps develop both greater physical energy and psychological resilience, which is beneficial in daily life.

Benefits of Tai Chi include

  • Expanded awareness of the body, and the link between body and mind
  • Increased understanding of the impact one has on others
  • Calming and relaxation effects
  • Improved balance
  • Greater muscle strength and endurance, improving physical ability
  • Increased mobility and flexibility in joints, along with better posture and movement quality
  • Gaining understanding of another culture, and other ways of seeing the world

Current Tai Chi classes in Norfolk:

Mondays, 11am- 12noon at St Michaels Church Hall, Reepham MAP

To enquire about attending or organising Tai Chi classes please contact: ian.evexia@gmail.com