
We teach Modern Pilates, a form of Pilates that is adapted to reflect the needs of people living in the 21stcentury and which is based on up-to-date research. Our classes aim to develop flexibility in the spine, shoulders and pelvis whilst also developing muscles that are strong and working correctly. Good posture and form is at the heart of our classes, so as well as bringing physical benefits our classes also provide relaxation and mental focus.

Benefits of Modern Pilates

  • Greater muscle strength and endurance, improving physical ability
  • Increased mobility and flexibility, along with better posture and movement quality
  • A reduction in stress levels, improved sleep patterns and weight management
  • Improves the function of the lungs and circulation
  • Helps to improve the strength of the pelvic floor muscles
  • Reduction in pain
  • Reduction in recovery time with a repetitive strain injury

Current Pilates classes in Norfolk:

Mondays, 9.45-10.45am at St Michaels Church Hall, Reepham MAP

Wednesdays, 6.45-7.45pm at St Michaels Church Hall, Reepham MAP

To enquire about attending or organising Pilates classes please contact: clare.evexia@gmail.com